Breaking Cat News Wiki

"Oh, hello...bit cold out..." ― Beatrix to Elvis Dunn

Beatrix is a major character in Breaking Cat News. She was found out in the snow alone, and was immediately sheltered by the people. She was named "Beatrix" after The Toddler noticed the resemblance to the cat shown on the cover of Tom Kitten by Beatrix Potter.

She eventually became the station intern for a time, and brought some much needed kittenish energy and tech skills to the team. In exchange, her three adopted uncles showed her the good and bad of living indoors, including stalking the elusive ham sandwich and the perils of pickles. She has more toes than most cats, making her an expert climber. During the climbing race, she called Tabitha a "strange female". Elvis formed a bond with her almost instantaneously.

Beatrix eventually became a bookstore cat. She was thrilled to find "a paid position in this economy" organizing the bookstore owned by Trevor's Woman. When not rearranging bookmarks she naps or generally keeps things lively. Before she got the bookstore job, she was the station's intern, fetching coffee and/or tea, transcribing Lupin's notes, creating a filing system, and generally being a very busy kitten. Beatrix was later officially adopted by Trevor's Woman.

Background info: Beatrix was based off Georgia Dunn’s cat before Pucky and after Elvis. She sadly died of FIPs when she was a few months old.


Strange Female You are unknown to me 'Slaps Tabitha'