Breaking Cat News Wiki

Dr. Scuttles is a turtle that lived with the first-floor tenant of the Big Pink House. Both Cat News and Gatos de Noticias covered the event when the tenant began moving out.[1]

He was likely an illegally-kept snapping turtle and was described as "cold", "intense", "outrageously mean" and "super mean", possibly due to being in a one-bedroom apartment instead of a pond. One reporter was very relieved the turtle had left. Another likened the turtle to "a prehistoric Orson Wells", with the news ticker noting Wells had better stories. On the positive side, he was quiet when compared to Lupin.

Twitter account[]

Dr. Scuttles maintains a Twitter account where he shares his vast knowledge on cryptids and mysterious events. He describes himself as a leading cryptid expert for the Northeast and beyond. It is not associated with Cat News.

External links[]

Twitter bird button Twitter page


  1. January 24, 2022