Breaking Cat News Wiki
Breaking Cat News Wiki


Elvis (also called Mommy's Little Angel Puff by The Woman) is a main character in Breaking Cat News and the station's local top reporter.


Elvis, a Siamese, has light brown and yellow fur and tealish eyes. He wears a white polo shirt with a gray tie and red suspenders, plus brown pants.

Elvis wears reading glasses at night, a possible nod to his respected elder status. In fact, in the March 1, 2020 strip, he gets a senior kibble. One of Elvis's nicknames (given by the Woman) is "Angry Fussy Paws".  He is also known as "The Siamese You Cannot Please", "The Duke of Puke" and "Mommy's Special Boy". He and Lupin are known to wrestle in BCW (Best Cat Wrestling) matches, with Puck serving as the ringside announcer. He does not like guests and will attack them; when guests arrive, The Woman will put him in a room or closet.

His brother Merlin and sister Hazel who live in Providence, Rhode Island.


Background information[]

  • The real-life Elvis has a strong weather sense that became active a half hour before a storm. See comment by Georgia Dunn for the September 30, 2018 comic.