Breaking Cat News Wiki
Blog-feature georgiadunn2

A cover picture for a Q/A with Georgia.

Georgia Dunn (born November 28, 1981)[1] is the creator of Breaking Cat News. She has drawn herself into several of her strips, appearing as The Woman.

She is also the creator of the Swan Eaters web comic, which is about "a ne'er-do-well family of scoundrels, mystics, and con artists traveling the world in the 1940s. Circus folk selling snake oil, telling fortunes, and inciting angry mobs of townspeople along the way." Swan Eaters was referenced in the September 16, 2018 comic of Breaking Cat News and became available on GoComics on October 1, 2018, with a goal of adding new material that will provide an end to the series.

She has been writing BCN for over 11 years now!

External links[]

Breaking Cat News and Georgia's websites
Swan Eaters
