The Boy, previously referred to as the Toddler, is a major character in Breaking Cat News. He is very playful and mature and creative and loves playing with "Fluffapurrus Rex" (aka Lupin) and his blocks. He was very upset when The Girl was born because he was worried he wouldn't get enough attention, but eventually grew into it. When he was learning to crawl, the boys referred to him as "a tiny cheetah". He is often dressed up in costumes, like the boys. He also loves to pull the tails of the boys. Not only that, but he has given the cats the names Dad Cat (Elvis), Mom Cat (Puck), and Puck (Lupin)
As The Baby grew, the January 5, 2020 BCN report identified a problem of having two "the Toddlers". Puck recommended that he and his sister henceforth be referred as the kitten versions of their parent's titles, the Boy and the Girl, until a time when they might choose cooler nicknames like "Later-Gator" or "Super Astronaut". His real-life counterpart is Lucas Dunn.